*wow i really underestimated how much fun that would be*
1. How old were you when you first started riding?
ummm..... about two
2. First horse ridden:
a pony named Noel
3. First horse trotted on:
a QH horse named T Joe
4. First horse cantered on:
my mom's friend's rocky mountain spotted pony, lacy
5. First Horse fallen off of:
Lacy (second time cantering)
6. Most recent horse fallen off of
india (there was a deadly plant intruding into the arena)
7. Most terrifying fall:
i was riding cappachino and he bolted and jumped over the chain around the arena and i lost my stirrups. he raced around half the arena, nearly took out the judge (a 55, i'll show you what we do to judges who give out 55s!!!) and when i finally fell off he kicked my head and killed my helmet (really chino?? that was $75) then i got attacked by a paramedic
8. First horse jumped with:
ponyta, nasty little thing
9. First horse who ran away with you:
10. First horse that scared the crap out of you:
india, she likes to bolt......into trees
11. First horse shown :!)
lacy, we got fourth overall!!
12. First horse to win a class with:
india!! the class only had one person in it, me
13. Do you/have you taken lessons:
yep about once a week
14. First horse you ever rode bareback:
lacy.......bad idea
15. First horse trail ridden with:
lacy, our pastere was a fenced in forest with a pond, so i guess that counts
16. Current Barn name:
doesn't have one, but soon we shall be moving to TLEC!!
17. Do you ride English or western?:
english, i've tried western.....it was ok
18. First Horse to place at a show with:
Lacy (see question #11)
19. Ever been to horse camp?:
yep......hated it......all we did was walk in an arena
20. Ever been to a riding clinic?
yes!! i love clinics!!!! mary wanless is my fav!! :)
21. Ridden sidesaddle?
22. First horse leased:
never leased one......unless riding someone elses counts
23. Last Horse Leased:
24. Highest ribbon in a show:
first!!! on indie!!
25. Ever been to an 'A' rated show?:
some might call me stupid but..........whats an A rated show???
26. Ever competed in pony games/relay races?:
yess, on stormy who hadn't been riden in three years and acted like a stallion
27. Ever fallen off at a show
Oh Yes!!! most memorable was on Chino
28. Do you ride Hunter/Jumpers?:
29. Have you ever barrel raced?
30. Ever done pole bending?:
31. Favorite gait:
do i have to pick just one???
32. Ever cantered bareback?:
33. Have you ever done dressage?:
heck yes!!!!
34. Have you ever evented?:
no, but i might be soon
35. Have you ever mucked a stall?:
What kind of stupid question is that?!?!?!?
36. Ever been bucked off?:
yes, indie also likes to buck..........but not anymore....hehehe
37. Ever been on a horse that reared
yep, guess who............indie
38. Horses or ponies.
well it kinda depends on the equine
39. Do you wear a helmet?:
heck yes
40. What's the highest you've jumped:
two feet :) over a dressage arena chain
41. Have you ever ridden at night?:
haha yes!! bareback trailriding is much fun!!
42. Do you watch horsey television shows?:
yup! mostly animal cops and the whole time i scream at the tv that the punishments are not harsh enough
43. Have you ever been seriously hurt/injured from a fall?:
nope *knocks on wood*
44. Most falls in one lesson:
twice, india was PISSED
45. Do you ride in an arena/ring?:
yes i do
46. Have you ever been trampled by a horse?:
ummm......who hasn't???
47. Have you ever been bitten?:
yes, on the butt
48. Ever had your foot stepped on by a horse?:
almost everytime i see one
49: Favorite riding moment:
when i did a shoulder-in for the first time :)
50. Most fun horse you've ridden:
definatly india!!! but Sage comes close ;)
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