Sunday, May 6, 2018

Semester is over....Let Show Season begin!

I made it to the end of the semester, a little worse for wear but I did it. I'm officially entering my last year of undergrad, and after that GRAD SCHOOL. Which is still less intimidating than being a real architect and having a real adult person job. I still don't know how to do "adult" things and it kind of freaks me out...

It will all be okay though because I will either figure it out or fall back on plan B which is to be a witch and live in the forest with a lot of ravens and just generally be really mysterious and slightly off-putting. So in horse news I entered India is her first official rated show for second level. She's done second level plenty of times but it was with pony club and technically those are not rated with USDF. So I'm currently going back and getting my scores for my bronze medal.
On a scale of one to bad would it be if I entered at third level next time with a 12% chance of actually getting a flying change....
I'm currently going between panicking about the show and feeling REALLY excited, I know I can do second level. Before India's arthritis episode we ran through 90% of fourth level... but its been a while and I'm scared we're going to get there and she will turn into freight train pony and pull my arms off like a scorned barbie doll. I'm getting there a day early so we can school so I should know what I'm up against. I just need to remember "if you have to fight something, fight the rib cage" which is trainer's way of saying don't worry about her head, keep the rib cage moving. When I get upset or frazzled that's the first thing that leaks out of my brain.

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