Well India has found her element... and its NOT her snaffle. On monday was the first day I really seriously rode her in the double. She likes it better than her snaffle.....
I didn't even know that was possible....
India has been very fussy about contact with the bit for as long as i've been riding her, and I started riding her when she was three. The second I picked up the reins she got round and immediately lifted her shoulders and engaged her core. My mouth was on the ground. She's NEVER done that. And after warming up I never wanted to use the snaffle again, but of course that would be ridiculous I have to keep using the snaffle. Since she loves the double so much I don't want to ruin her on it. But DAMN! i want to use the double everyday! She's just so wonderful in the double!
Damn you snaffle bridle....
And now to the "Oh Shit" part...
My mom bred her mare Rosetta to Rambo, those two made Roxanna. Roxanna is, to put it nicely a piece of work. A gorgeous beautiful talented piece of work. That scared my mom so bad she won't ride her anymore, at the time I couldn't ride her either. So she was sent to Georgia to be trained/sold. That was three years ago, she still hasn't been sold. This year we sent her to Florida to be sold. Zippity Do Da. So today my mom told me that if she hasn't been sold by the time I get back from England I have the option to keep her. But I can only keep her if her current trainer thinks I'll be able to handle her. The part that has me hyperventilating is that this mare is training Grand Prix, and showing Prix St. George/Intermediare. Multiple trainers are convinced she will be competitive at Grand Prix, with no problem. We could NEVER afford a horse as nice as this one. This is basically my one chance to get a really really nice horse that isn't still in a uterus.
So please pray to whichever god you worship that she won't be sold before october.....
Wow, what an opportunity that would be. I hope it all works out. If it does, I will be thrilled to read all about it.
Author of "Trail Training for the Horse and Rider" and Trail Horse Adventures and Advice"
Yeah, that'll probably be the only way I can get a really nice pony in a budget (assuming all goes well) is to breed Greta. Still thinking about that.
BUT I HOPE ROXANNA WORKS OUT!!! I'm telling ya, the crazies are the best.
I really hope everything works ou, that would be an amazing opportunity
right now i'm betting a lot that the crazies are the best XD
omfg i didnt even realize roxy hadn't been sold yet. that would be amazing if you got to keep her though :D
for realz though!! XD
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