Thursday, February 10, 2011

Going Cross-Country :)


Dressager said...

I loved the video!!!

I love reading the George Morris jump critiques in Practical Horseman. I'm hoping I can learn by osmosis and be a better jumper lol. Really, I'm just so used to dressage that when those stirrups get cranked up and I can't have my bum planted in the saddle, then I kind of panic for a bit until I find that secure "happy spot". Which is hard to find when you're so used to long legs and deep seat. EEP! I just need to jump more, I suppose.

LittleRedMare said...

She is SO cute out there! What a brave dressage pony...

Merideth said...

she would love to be an eventer XD

GoLightly said...

Gee, you're jumping?

But I thought..

You were left behind, common problem with riders who do dressage exclusively:)

Anonymous said...

actually it appears to my dressage eye that i'm actually jumping AHEAD of her