Sunday, January 6, 2013

Meet Falco

He is a 25 year old Grand Prix school master that has come to live with me and my mom. He is originally from florida so louisiana is not a big change. Although even though he showed grand prix we've learned that he was ridden incorrectly and his old rider shoved their seat around and held on to his face the whole time. So my mom has been riding him and teaching him to be light in the bridle. My job is to take care of him and make sure he gets his meds, turnout, and his jammies at night. And I have to admit I like it like that because as sweet as he looks he's an ass! I can't tell you how many times he's run me down and taken chunks out of my leg while i was putting his blanket on. He also likes to paw all the time and heaven forbid you leave him in the turnout for more than two hours. 

But as much of a pain in the ass as he is he is the biggest ham and he's such a diva, but he makes me laugh everyday. It took me a long time to start bonding with him and we're still not sold on each other but we defiantly entertain each other.  


Ruth said...

He has the most gorgeous face. Sounds like he could be challening but a cute one.

Equine Mum said...

Great equine blog! Why not come and post it at Haynet an equine social blogging network for more to follow? Come over and take a look at
Hope to see you there!

Merideth said...

He's special alright!!