Monday, January 24, 2011

Estrogen Levels are reaching Toxic

This my friends is the "guurrll i will cut you if you get any closer with that saddle" face.

Two females in close proximity is never a good a idea, because eventually the female hormone levels synchronize. And when that happens all hell breaks loose. Thats all i have to say on the subject

Thursday, January 20, 2011


In my opinion this is the video that indie looks the best in :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


So goals of last year, i think i actually did pretty good!!

Goals for 2010

(doesn't have to be pretty just git 'er done)
Well i got a couple steps so it totally counts!!
walk pirouette
(this however must be pretty)
once again.....i got a couple steps so it counts.......
get a real pretty legit lengthening
Hahah!! i actually did this one!!
conquer simple changes
Got it. now to clean it up......
show first level
go to atleast two shows (minimum)
i went to exactly two so that one was close
get a summer job related to horses
you might think i failed at this one but truthfully i didn't!! i just got one for summer 2011, i'm going to be a working student over the summer. SURPRISE!!!
apply for riding scholarship from local dressage club
alright i did fail this one........epicly
attend dressage rally
not only dressage rally........championships :D and won!!


1) An actual pretty more than three steps half-pass

2) Show Second level or Third level one of the two

3) Get first level scores for bronze medal

4) Start schooling third level
5) Flying Changes. kthanksbye
(i just know i'm jinxing myself)
6) Go to atleast four shows
7) Actually keep my bridle clean
8) Get working student postion somewhere
9) USPC Champs and/or Region Champs
10) Actually turn all forms in on time and worm indie on time (oops)